architecture | interior design

Phoenix Design Studio is a newborn architecture and interior design consultancy firm founded by Ar. Debapriya Ghosh.
After 18 long years of experience in the industry and working on various Residential, Commercial and Hospitality projects with reputed firms in India and the USA, I finally launched my own practice with the dream to create spaces that resonate with our soul and bring peace to the mind.
Fascinated by astronomy and art, the blankness of the universe and the blankness of the canvas has always intrigued me. My endeavors with design have always been to find that single element that will quietly and elegantly transform a space yet not clutter it. The practice aims at making meaningful minimalist interjections in the field of architecture and interior design where sustainability, context and innovation stay at the heart of the design process.
Click here to view the portfolio of our principal architect, Debapriya Ghosh.